What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Need to Stay in Vegas!
Are you ready to get your mind blown away? AICPA Engage 2018 will be an amazing experience for everyone who attends with limitless possibilities. Not only will you be able to attend the many incredible sessions that CPAFMA has to offer, you will also be able to rub elbows with some of the brightest minds in the profession. You'll experience a robust, thoughtful agenda from start to finish. It's up to you to apply what you gain into technical improvements, strategy refinement and increased value to your clients. Make sure that what you learn in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas!
Here are some other awesome perks about attending AICPA ENGAGE/CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference:
1. You WILL meet peers who will have great ideas to share
2. There WILL be lots of networking opportunities for you to meet new people
3. You WILL hear new and interesting topics to bring back to your firms
4. You WILL have an amazing time doing all this with your friends, peers, and new acquaintances
Also, you will still be able to attend the sessions that are synonymous with CPAFMA:
1. Welcome and General Session with Bill Reeb
2. Firm Breakouts by Size
3. CPAFMA Awards and Recognition Reception
4. 50 Innovative Ideas in 50 Minutes
We are excited to see you in Vegas!