Public Accounting Firm Manager (PAFM) Program

Education and Knowledge

CPAFMA's Public Accounting Firm Manager (PAFM)™ program provides the opportunity to demonstrate you have the knowledge, leadership, skills, and abilities to operate at a high level of expertise in the field of accounting firm management.

CPAFMA's Public Accounting Firm Manager (PAFM)™ program* provides the opportunity to demonstrate you have the knowledge, leadership, skills, and abilities to operate at a high level of expertise in the field of accounting firm management.

Think. Experience. Elevate.
The process of attaining the PAFM designation includes meeting the experience-and education-based eligibility requirements, agreeing to adhere to CPAFMA’s Core Values of a Firm Manager, and fulfilling the continuing education/recertification requirements.

The PAFM designation will identify you as a dedicated and experienced accounting firm manager who understands the unique and challenging issues of managing your firm. Accreditation recognizes that you have achieved a level of expertise within the profession of firm management, exemplifying your professional capabilities and experience. Your firm can also take pride in your accreditation as it affirms their success in employing a recognized leader. If transitioning between employers, the credential will demonstrate mastery of the skill sets necessary to qualify you as an individual who has attained an unparalleled level of competence in firm management.

Regardless of your career stage, a PAFM designation adds relevant depth to your personal and professional development.

PAFM Brochure
PAFM Application
Directory of PAFMs

The Association encourages you to consider pursuing the PAFM designation this year. Many of our PAFMs have told us it is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your firm!

*Becoming a Public Accounting Firm Manager is strictly voluntary, and is open to all qualified accounting firm managers, members and non-members alike.

Upcoming Events

2024 Technology Series MAPCast with Roman Kepczyk
April 25 - December 17, 2024

2024 Technology Series MAPCast with Roman Kepczyk

The accounting profession is quickly transforming due to technological innovation. However, this shift requires both accountants and firm managers to acquire new skill sets. The 2043 Technology Series will include FOUR educational sessions presented by Roman Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, CGMA, PAFM, and will explore topics essential to optimizing your firm's productivity and efficiency.

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Value of Data to Manage Your CPA Firm
June 5 - September 5, 2024

Value of Data to Manage Your CPA Firm

$99 Members | Free PAFM | $180 Non-Members (one fee for all 3 MAPCasts, and recordings of all) PresentersJana Cinnamon, Partner, Chief Operating OfficerDon Kreye, Business Development ManagerSteve McDonald, CPA, Managing Partner Abdo has met with over 200 firms in the past two years to discuss how firms are currently accessing practice management data / challenges of data integrity / how firms can implement best practices to ensure efficient ...

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Follow Up Q&A Discussion with Marc Koehler, CPAFMA CONNECTIONS Closing Keynote Speaker
July 30, 2024

Follow Up Q&A Discussion with Marc Koehler, CPAFMA CONNECTIONS Closing Keynote Speaker

Making CONNECTIONS shouldn't just end in Savannah! Marc Koehler has offered a special attendee zoom discussion to answer any questions on the key topics discussed in Fast Attack Leadership. This is a great opportunity for us to reconnect with Marc, share our successes, and receive additional advice on items we are trying to implement but may be struggling with. Couldn’t join us in Savannah? You're welcome to still participate as Marc ...

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