December 2017 Article Archives - Page 2
Introducing the Blockchain Concept to Your Firm
For the past year, AICPA leadership has been touting the evolution towards the “audit of the future,” with one of the core discussion points being how Blockchain will be one of the driving technologies behind financial reporting and operating a business in the future. This has been bolstered by a tidal wave of articles describing how Blockchain currencies (primarily Bitcoin) were eliminating traditional banking middlemen, how ...
Read MoreCPAFMA's Strategic Plan and Leadership
The CPAFMA Board of Directors has been hard at work on the renewal of the organization’s strategic plan, a process started in November of 2016 and continuing to evolve with successes and updates. Through the process, the leadership has identified five initiatives as priorities over the next two years. Initiatives 1) To evaluate the organization's leadership structure to engage new members, develop new leaders and provide ...
Read MoreCPAFMA's Public Accounting Firm Manager Program Accepting Applications
CPAFMA's Public Accounting Firm Manager (PAFM)™ program* provides the opportunity to demonstrate you have the knowledge, leadership, skills, and abilities to operate at a high level of expertise in the field of accounting firm management. Think. Experience. Elevate.The process of attaining the PAFM designation includes meeting the experience-and education-based eligibility requirements, agreeing to adhere ...
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