Illinois Chapter

Chapter Chatter

Published October 20, 2014
Happy Fall! With the last filing deadline behind us, I know most of us will be doing year-end planning for our firms and reviewing what needs to be tweaked before next year’s busy season.   Along those lines, it is also a good time to plan for your Chapter as well, whether you are a current leader or an aspiring one. I thought that I would update you on some initiatives that we are investigating to making connections between members and Chapters easier and more meaningful.

  1. Chapter Spotlight for the Newsletter – this will be to let our Chapters brag on themselves a bit each newsletter
  2. Working with AAA to create a Chapter area within the AAA website for communication – calendars, events, emails, etc. More of a “one-stop shop” for AAA members and to ease the burden on Chapter Leaders from having to create separate websites/email lists/other ways to manage their Chapters. Other associations have launched this very effectively
  3. Exploring the idea of “Virtual Chapters” for those members falling in geographic areas that do not have a chapter – we would set up webinar chats periodically on topics much like our roundtables to work on connecting members and hopefully grow to enough members/leadership to create a physical chapter
  4. Introducing a “Chapter of the Year” at this year’s National Conference – details to follow!

We will continue to work with our existing Chapters to support them, assist those who need a little TLC and work with those “who boldly go where no man/woman has gone” and want to start a NEW chapter! Thank you for your continued support and please email me with ideas, comments and suggestions as we work to improve Chapter Development, Support and Involvement in AAA!

REMINDER: Bookkeeping Support for Chapters

The National organization is excited to provide bookkeeping services for chapters. No longer will chapters need to open/close checking accounts due to the transition of a treasurer. Instead, AAA accounting staff will pay chapter expenses and provide monthly statements. Chapter treasurers will continue to control the funds and review/report on all chapter finances. Funds for due rebates and registrations for chapter events will all be credited to chapter accounts. Several chapters are already using this service and enjoying the ease of this process. Our goal is to have all chapters transitioned to this bookkeeping service by December of 2014. Let Headquarters know if you have any questions - email

Please send pictures and ideas from your chapter. Publishing your chapter news will help other chapters from around the country add fresh approaches to their meetings. Email information to