Tax Season Debrief
The best time to get the information you need is while it is still fresh on everyone’s mind. You will need to allow your tax professionals time to decompress and relax after tax season, so do not start this process until at least May 1. This will give you time to prepare and give them time to quit drooling on themselves and develop the ability to again form coherent sentences. You want to have an insightful, thoughtful discussion that produces results and change before you hit the September and October deadlines.
It is important that every point in your firm’s tax return process is examined. To get the best results, you will need to hear from everyone from the receptionist to the partner in charge of the tax department. It will be up to you to compile the feedback, both positive and negative, and decide how to organize and use the information. Again, your firm culture will come into play in this decision. Our firm has had success with using a committee but that might not be the best answer for your firm.
The goal is not to create the “perfect” process because there will always be adjustments and modifications. You want to create the best process for your firm so that efficiency is improved and, maybe just maybe, tax season becomes a little more manageable for your people.