Pre-Season Recruiting Warmup
Here are four tips to consider for your playbook.
Rally the Team
What are your overall recruiting goals?
Who will lead the firm’s recruiting efforts this year?
Who will play what role?
Get your recruiting team together for a pre-season meeting. Talk about the firm’s overall recruiting goals. Identify who will lead the firm’s efforts and who will play what role during the recruiting season.
Get Clear on Your Plans
When will key recruiting activities take place at targeted schools?
When will Beta Alpha Psi and other groups meet?
When is your firm scheduled to speak or host special events?
What online job boards will you use this year?
What virtual events will you participate in?
As recruiting plans are finalized at targeted schools and as virtual events are confirmed, make sure you are clear on what is happening when. Get these dates on your firm’s calendar. Then identify someone on your recruiting team to lead each event.
Zero in on Messages
What are the key recruiting messages that you want to share this year?
Are your messages clearly presented on your website?
What about in your social media outlets?
What about in your profile on job boards?
Take a good look at the wording in these areas. Make sure it says what you want it to say about your firm and its culture. That goes for the job openings and internships that you are looking to fill. Discuss how best to share your message in direct conversations with students and faculty, too.
Reach Out to Key Stakeholders
What permanent roles will you offer?
Do you have internships to fill?
What characteristics are you looking for in recruits to fill these roles?
Before things get too busy on college campuses, reach out to key stakeholders. That includes placement directors, accounting deans and top accounting professors. Hear what is on their minds. Help them to help your firm by identifying what you are looking for in this year’s recruits. This will help them start conversations with students that might be a good fit for your firm.
Here’s to a great recruiting season!
Don't forget PCPS has partnered with Accountingfly for Meet the Firms Week on October 19-23, 2015 to find interns and college grads for your firm. For more information, click here.