CPAFMA Announces Slate of Officers and Directors for 2019-2020
The following members of CPAFMA have been nominated by the Nominating Committee to serve as officers for a one-year term or directors for a two-year term, beginning July 1, 2019. Thank you to all of the members submitting a nomination resume. The committee felt the decision was extremely difficult, however it shows we have an Association with a dynamic and experienced leadership base.
Chair - Sharon Trabbic, PAFM, William Vaughan Company
Vice Chair - Jeanie Price, PAFM, DeLeon & Stang, CPAs & Advisors
Secretary/Treasurer - Alan Alexander, CPA, PAFM, Jackson Thornton CPAs & Consultants
Director At-Large - Lauren Fitch, PAFM, Faulk & Winkler LLC
Continuing to serve on the Board of Directors will be: Ann White, PAFM as immediate past chair and directors: Larry Sheftel, PHR, SHRM-CP, PAFM, Aprio; Joyce Arthur, PAFM, BDO Alliance USA; Kristine Latchaw, CPA, PAFM, Maner Costerisan; and Tiffany Taft, PAFM, Baker Holtz CPAs & Advisors as directors.
Appointed by the Board of Directors and fulfilling an unexpired director term is Jana Cinnamon, Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP.
As specified in the bylaws, nominations by petition will be accepted. If you choose to nominate an individual other than those listed, your nomination must be submitted to the CPAFMA National Office accompanied by a petition bearing the signatures of at least five percent of the regular firm membership, which currently translates to 35 signatures by June 7, 2019. The nominations must be made for a specific office or directorship and must meet all eligibility requirements as stipulated in our current bylaws. Upon receipt, your nomination will be placed on an email ballot and sent to the membership for a vote to correspond with the Annual Meeting, taking place during the National Practice Management Conference, June 10-13, 2019 in partnership with AICPA ENGAGE in Las Vegas.
If you are interested in being considered by the Nominating Committee for the CPAFMA 2020 elections, a nomination resume can be found on the website after July 1, 2019 with a due date of March 1, 2020.
The leadership team is looking forward to seeing all members in Las Vegas for the 2019 National Practice Management Conference. Please use VIP Code ENG19CPAFMA for a $100 discount on registration fees.