Content Sharing: We Still Need Your Input!
The June 2014 Insights edition included a request for sample forms and/or resources that would benefit a practice management professional. I would like to personally ask you to please consider submitting your best content to the Association. We are looking for a variety of content - the kind that you use in your firms! Feel free to remove your firm identity if preferred otherwise the document will be posted as submitted (giving your firm credit) and will remain available for up to 5 years unless it becomes outdated or requested to be removed. The plan is to upload documents on a quarterly basis beginning in September 2015 (last month of the quarter).
Do you have job descriptions? Performance or engagement review forms, flexible work arrangement agreements, personal mobile device agreements, checklists? If so, we’d love to share a variety of options with our members who are looking to create a similar tool for use in their firm! Do you have an event planning template, organization flowchart that can be modified, or an administrative support guide? What about an on-campus recruiting plan and interview guides, exit interview template, partner meeting sample agendas, or meeting minute templates? Social media guidelines, budget templates, partner productivity templates, etc. Any and all of these types of items are a treasure trove for AAA members who are looking for a starting point rather than re-inventing the wheel, so to speak.
By sharing your content (click here for our upload page), you contribute to making AAA members, “Better than we are!”