Southern California Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 27

Random Thoughts and Ideas

Random Thoughts and Ideas

Published April 20, 2017

Random Though #1 - It is hard to believe but I am more than three quarters of the way through my term as your Chair of this great organization and I am very grateful for this honor. Random Thought #2 - For some of us, we are wrapping up tax season; for others, we have been busy with calendar year end audits; and others, with ongoing consulting engagements with our clients.  For others this is a time to get ready for budgets, evaluations or ...

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Fort Worth: Where the West Begins!

Fort Worth: Where the West Begins!

Published April 20, 2017

As you know, the CPAFMA 2017 Conference will be in Fort Worth, Texas this year. Since Fort Worth is where I “hang my hat” and most people think of Dallas rather than Fort Worth, I thought I’d take a few minutes to describe what awaits you! This is of course in addition to the amazing CPAFMA Conference experience. Hopefully you will be able to bring a family member, extend your stay and take in “where the West ...

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Are You Going to Join Me at the National Practice Management Conference?

Are You Going to Join Me at the National Practice Management Conference?

Published April 20, 2017

We are excited that we are about two months away from the 2017 National Practice Management Conference. As CPAFMA's Director of Education, I want to let you know that there are a lot of exciting activities planned while we are in Fort Worth and I’m sure we will have a few surprises for you. If you are still debating on if you should attend (you should!), here are a couple of teasers . . .  C’mon it’s Fort Worth! You ...

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What Does 2017 Have in Store for You?

What Does 2017 Have in Store for You?

Published April 20, 2017

So many good things happened for me professionally to make 2016 a great year and I’m excited for what 2017 will bring!  A few of the highlights of my amazing 2016 included our firm’s best year ever, a booming tax season, the decision to open a third office location (which will come to fruition in 2017), my 25th anniversary with DeLeon & Stang, and best of all, I was nominated and received the 2016 CPAFMA ACE Award. 

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The Noticer: A Help with Awareness

The Noticer: A Help with Awareness

Published April 20, 2017

It was at a CPAFMA conference several years ago – the speaker was best-selling author Andy Andrews – and his topic was his book The Noticer. The tagline for his book (and presentation) was “All a person needs is a little perspective to receive the gift of noticing things that other people miss.” This presentation stood out to me, not only because I added to my Useless Facts Collection i.e. how monkeys open up a banana ...

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