Southern California Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 26

Interacting with Firms Across the Country

Interacting with Firms Across the Country

Published June 5, 2017

Among the many hats I wear within my position at BDO Alliance USA and as a CPAFMA board member, one of my favorites is interacting with all of the members of different CPA firms across the country.  My interaction consists of attending national conferences as well as smaller regional meetings where I feel I really get to know what’s on the minds of the professionals in the accounting industry.  One topic always seems to come up ...

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Eight Reasons Firms Should Move to the Cloud

Eight Reasons Firms Should Move to the Cloud

Published June 5, 2017

The 2017 CPA Firm Management Association ( Paperless Benchmark Survey released in the first quarter of this year, found that 23% of firms had moved their IT Infrastructure to cloud providers instead of building and maintaining them themselves among other findings.  Read below as to why this trend is accelerating and why your firm should be considering the move if they are not already: Replacement Cost of Onsite Network: As ...

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Tenenz Offers CPAFMA Members Discount on All Products

Tenenz Offers CPAFMA Members Discount on All Products

Published June 1, 2017

Tenenz is a CPAFMA member and partner providing low cost, high quality tax and accounting supplies and services for over 40 years. Thousands of accounting and tax firms like yours have taken advantage of their quest to provide the best quality products at prices that can't be beat. As an exclusive benefit to members of CPAFMA, Tenenz is offering a 15% discount on any of their products! Looking for tax products? Their ...

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Technology's Role in Mergers and Acquisitions

Technology's Role in Mergers and Acquisitions

Published May 11, 2017

M&A is one of the fastest ways to grow your practice. Unfortunately, discussions on information technology are often an afterthought, even though they impact every part of today’s CPA firm. Join CPAFMA Partner, Xcentric and their Director of Consulting, Roman Kepczyk, on Thursday, June 1st at 2:00 PM Eastern as he shares real world experiences of both successful and unsuccessful merger integration and what partners should know and ...

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PCPS Engagement Review Tool

PCPS Engagement Review Tool

Published April 20, 2017

You're wrapping up engagements, so take some time to get feedback from your clients. You can improve your relationships with clients and identify opportunities to improve your processes using the PCPS Engagement Review Tool from the Trusted Client Advisor Toolbox. This PCPS Engagement Review Tool is an example of the turnkey tools and solutions PCPS delivers.  PCPS is an add-on firm membership section within the AICPA.  A PCPS ...

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