Northeast Chapter

A Chair's View

Published August 25, 2016
In Baltimore, I spoke to over 200 of you and thanked you for this great honor to lead our terrific organization and its great members.  I can tell you that I wouldn’t have achieved the success that I have in my firm without the assistance of what I have learned at the National Practice Management Conference, from the CPAFMA and from the many great friends that I have met over the years.

The Board of Directors could not contribute to the success of this organization without the many contributions of Kim Fantaci, our president and her very capable staff, including Krista Saul.  I would be remiss if I did not also recognize the tremendous talent that we have on the Board, which includes nine other members and two very talented advisors in Bill Reeb and Roman Kepczyk.  Without this volunteer group, we would be nothing.

In Baltimore, I talked about “thinking outside the box or circle”.  If any of us are doing things the same way we did five years ago…or even maybe a year ago, we may quickly become dinosaurs.  We need to constantly be re-inventing ourselves, our firms and our profession.  Don’t accept the status quo; in many instances it is not good enough.

If you want to continue to grow in your job, to be recognized as a leader, not a manager, but a leader, you need to:

  • challenge yourself
  • be passionate about yourself, your firm and this profession
  • don’t be afraid to tell your partners how good you are because who else is going to do so but do it without being braggadocios and don’t be afraid to take on new ideas, programs and responsibilities.
  • take risks – don’t be afraid to fail because when you fail you learn
  • you need to change
  • remember there is no “I” in team – it is we not me
  • tell the people that matter the most to you that you love them and always say thanks

So remember…think outside the box or circle…get involved with the CPAFMA on the chapter level, if you are in one, Q&AFM online or email me and let me know how the Board is doing and if you want to get involved.

Finally, thank YOU! When I joined this organization 31 years ago, little did I think I would have this honor to chair our great organization. 

Thank you.