Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
Cyber - This Risk Could Shut your Doors
Daniel Hudson and Joseph Brunsman
Daniel Hudson and Joseph Brunsman
Client Screening, Retention and Termination, How to Minimize Exposures to Litigation
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA and Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA and Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
Solving Your Firm's Issues with Document Management & Workflow
Don Emery, CPA/CA, Director of Client Solutions
Don Emery, CPA/CA, Director of Client Solutions
Defensive Billing: Managing Professional Liability Risk
Deborah K. Rood, CPA, MST and Daniel J. Gartland, CPA
Deborah K. Rood, CPA, MST and Daniel J. Gartland, CPA
A Path to Partner: A Best Practice
Robert Biddle, Jr., AAAPM, Principal, Bowman & Company LLP and Ann White, AAAPM, Regional Human Resources Manager, BDO USA, LLP
Robert Biddle, Jr., AAAPM, Principal, Bowman & Company LLP and Ann White, AAAPM, Regional Human Resources Manager, BDO USA, LLP
Information Security Exposures
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
The Direction of Diversity & Inclusion for Firm Management
Joel Olbricht, CPA, President & CEO, Olbricht Storniolo Group
Joel Olbricht, CPA, President & CEO, Olbricht Storniolo Group
Navigating Mergers and Acquisition Exposures
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA and Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA and Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
2016 CPAFMA Technology Survey Review and Results
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, LSS BB, Director of Consulting, Xcentric
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, LSS BB, Director of Consulting, Xcentric
Focus on the Quality Toolkit
Lisa Simpson, CPA, CGMA, Technical Manager, AICPA and Sharon Trabbic, AAAPM, Chief Operating Officer, William Vaughan Company
Lisa Simpson, CPA, CGMA, Technical Manager, AICPA and Sharon Trabbic, AAAPM, Chief Operating Officer, William Vaughan Company
An Overview of the Department of Labor Proposed Overtime Rule
Kate Kiley, Director, Congressional and Political Affairs, AICPA
Kate Kiley, Director, Congressional and Political Affairs, AICPA
Engagement Letters from A-Z
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA
John F. Raspante, CPA, MST, CDFA, Senior Vice President/Director of Risk Management, NAPLIA
Make Your Client Experience Count with Best of Accounting - Get Feedback, Testimonials and Referral Prospects
Eric Gregg, CEO and Liz Brown, Senior Account Manager, Inavero
Eric Gregg, CEO and Liz Brown, Senior Account Manager, Inavero
The Truth Behind Winning Brands
Jean Marie Caragher, MBA, Capstone Marketing
Jean Marie Caragher, MBA, Capstone Marketing
Working Smarter with Document Management and Workflow
Randy Johnston, MCS, Network Management Group, Inc. and Don Emery, CPA/CA, Doc.It
Randy Johnston, MCS, Network Management Group, Inc. and Don Emery, CPA/CA, Doc.It
How to Leverage the Power of People in Your Organization
Dr. Rick Grandinetti, Succeed Inside the Box
Dr. Rick Grandinetti, Succeed Inside the Box
Nano Learning in CPA Firms: A Best Practice Launch
Jim Fahey, AAAPM, Project Director, HBK CPAs & Consultants and Michael Ramos, Principal, Michael Ramos and Associates
Jim Fahey, AAAPM, Project Director, HBK CPAs & Consultants and Michael Ramos, Principal, Michael Ramos and Associates
Project Management in CPA Firms: A Best Practice Launch
Jim Fahey, AAAPM, Project Director, HBK CPAs & Consultants
Jim Fahey, AAAPM, Project Director, HBK CPAs & Consultants
Gone Viral: Preparing for Pandemics
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery
Bleeding, Stable, or Dull Digital Edge? 2015 AAA Paperless Benchmark Results
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA, Director of Consulting for Xcentric
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA, Director of Consulting for Xcentric
Use Tax Season to Win Media Exposure
Joanne Cleaver, President, Wilson-Taylor Associates, Inc.
Joanne Cleaver, President, Wilson-Taylor Associates, Inc.
Results of IPA's 2014 National Benchmarking Report and Firm Administration Surveys
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
Results of IPA's 2014 National Benchmarking Report and Firm Administration Surveys
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
Followership, Building a Succession Plan
Rex Gatto Ph.D., BCC
Rex Gatto Ph.D., BCC
National Preparedness Month - Crisis Communications for ANY Organization
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery