Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
Background Screening: What You Don't Know Can Hurt Your Organization
Debra Keller, Vice President of Operations, Reference Services, Inc.
Debra Keller, Vice President of Operations, Reference Services, Inc.
Cyber Liability Exposures
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
HIPAA: What You Need to Know if You Have Clients in the Healthcare Industry
Mark Dietrich, CPA, ABV, Speaker and Author
Mark Dietrich, CPA, ABV, Speaker and Author
10 Steps to Preparedness
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery
Trevor Mickelson, CPA Solution Specialist, Agility Recovery
Benchmarking Firm Metrics: What Every Firm Administrator, CFO or COO Needs to Know
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
Michael Platt, Principal, The Platt Group
How a Firm Administrator Can Save Your CPA Firm Money
Rita Keller, AAAPM, Owner, Keller Advisors, LLC and Janine Zirrith, AAAPM, Firm Administrator, Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Rita Keller, AAAPM, Owner, Keller Advisors, LLC and Janine Zirrith, AAAPM, Firm Administrator, Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
The On-Boarding of New Hires: The Orientation
Laurie Simonson, AAAPM, Director of Operations, Froehling Anderson and Janine Zirrith, AAAPM, Firm Administrator, Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Laurie Simonson, AAAPM, Director of Operations, Froehling Anderson and Janine Zirrith, AAAPM, Firm Administrator, Wilkin & Guttenplan, P.C.
Hire to Your Firm’s Culture
Guy Gage – Owner of Partners Coach
Guy Gage – Owner of Partners Coach
Professional Liability Update - Hidden Exposures
Stephen Vono and John Raspante, CPA, MST
Stephen Vono and John Raspante, CPA, MST
AAA New Member Orientation and Refresher
Sharon L. Trabbic, AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Sharon L. Trabbic, AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Take Two Tablets, and Call Me On Your Smartphone
John Higgins, CPA, CITP, Co-Founder, CPA Crossings
John Higgins, CPA, CITP, Co-Founder, CPA Crossings
Bridging the Staffing Gap: Creative Ways Your Firm Can Prepare
Rita Keller, AAAPM, Keller Advisors, LLC
Rita Keller, AAAPM, Keller Advisors, LLC
AAA Chapter Leader Huddle
Laurie Simonson, AAAPM, Huddle Facilitator, AAA Director of Chapter Development and Kelly Nizzer Bates, SPHR, AAAPM, AAA Ohio President, presenter for the Ohio Postcard Marketing Campaign
Laurie Simonson, AAAPM, Huddle Facilitator, AAA Director of Chapter Development and Kelly Nizzer Bates, SPHR, AAAPM, AAA Ohio President, presenter for the Ohio Postcard Marketing Campaign
Don't Miss Out on Meet the Firms Week: Building a Profile so Students Engage with Your Firm
Jeff Phillips, CEO, CollegeFrog, Inc.
Jeff Phillips, CEO, CollegeFrog, Inc.
Cyber Liability Exposures
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
Stephen Vono, Founding Partner, NAPLIA
AAA New Member Orientation and Refresher
Sharon L. Trabbic, AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Sharon L. Trabbic, AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Human Resource Management Challenges
Sean Conrad and Meredith Millman
Sean Conrad and Meredith Millman
Improving Your Client Service Offerings
Dev Warren, Upstream Academy
Dev Warren, Upstream Academy
Experience Hire Recruiting: 9 Online Recruiting Ideas That Will Help!
Jennifer Wilson, Co-Founder and President, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
Jennifer Wilson, Co-Founder and President, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
Chapter Leadership Huddle
Laurie Simonson, AAA Director of Chapter Development
Laurie Simonson, AAA Director of Chapter Development
CPA Firm 101: Giving Firm Administrators Insight Into Firm Partners
Jim Metzler, CPA, Vice President, Small Firm Interests, AICPA
Jim Metzler, CPA, Vice President, Small Firm Interests, AICPA
MAP Survey: Explaining the Survey Results and How Firm Administrators Can Use Them to Their Advantage
Jim Metzler, CPA, Vice President, Small Firm Interests, AICPA
Jim Metzler, CPA, Vice President, Small Firm Interests, AICPA
New Member Orientation and Refresher
Ginny Fedrich, AAAPM - AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Ginny Fedrich, AAAPM - AAA Director of Membership & Growth
Paperless Benchmarking: How Does Your Firm Stack Up?
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, CGMA, Xcentric
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, CGMA, Xcentric