A Chair's Busy Season Message
By now, you should have seen the microsite for this year’s National Practice Management Conference, in Fort Worth, Texas on June 20-23rd. Click here to view the information. The program has general sessions on Firm Culture, Leadership (presented by our own Bill Reeb) and one in which you will learn 75 Innovative Ideas in 75 minutes (bring yours to the Conference as this session is interactive). There are breakout sessions by Firm Size (always one of the more popular), Social Media and Recruiting, a Legal Update, Technology Update and many more. Remember you only get out of something what you put into it, so plan on attending and learning from your peers and experts in our profession, the profession of Firm Management.
Do not forget we are also offering three Pre-Conference Workshops on Human Capital, Technology and Financial Management. You can get more information on these sessions on our website.
I hope I have the pleasure of meeting many of you or reacquainting with some of you. Some of my best friends are people I have met at the NPMC over the years.
Are you a credentialed PAFM? A Public Accounting Firm Manager! PAFM is replacing the AAAPM. Elevate your position within our profession by becoming certified as one. More information including an application and experience matrix can be found here.
Thanks to Jane Johnson and Bill Reeb and their committee for all the work done to advance the profession. Note that one must be a PAFM to be a member of the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
Speaking of the Board of Directors…they spend countless hours working for you and the organization and I am very appreciative of the time they devote and the support of their firms/organizations. The Board usually meets in person three or four times a year and we also have about a half dozen “Huddles”, or conference calls, where we get together to address issues within the profession. There are also subcommittee meetings and advance preparation for tasks we are working on. Thank you and special thanks to Kim Fantaci our President and our two Advisory members, Bill Reeb and Roman Kepczyk, PAFM.
Strategic Plan
I want to thank the Board of Directors for all the time and effort they have spent in updating our Strategic Plan. Bill Reeb, an Advisory member on the Board led us through the update. Some of the outcomes of that Plan are the updated PAFM mentioned above, our Leadership Institute that will be held in conjunction with the NPMC and in the fall, our outreach to members, chapters, other related organizations and non-member firms. Stay tuned; we will keep you posted.
The other day, I received my American Airlines Frequent Flyer mileage summary and I noticed that I am fast approaching 1,000,000 miles flown. In a prior life, I worked for a national CPA firm and flew 100,000 miles a year for a couple of years. Back then, there was no loyalty to an airline. You went to the airport and got on the next available flight regardless of the carrier. Traveling was a lot simpler back then.
My wife and I have been to all 50 states, all Presidential Libraries, many of the National Parks, Monuments and Historical Sites, not to mention numerous baseball stadiums. Our three children have been to at least 47 states and it certainly has been a pleasure sharing those with them.
Can you tell by the photo below where I am?
Why am I telling you this? Because it is important for all of us to take the time to relax and enjoy life. We often do it by traveling, but we also enjoy relaxing on the beach. Others enjoy sitting at home and reading a book, or participating in a marathon. Whatever it is, make the time to enjoy it, particularly as we enter the busiest of “busy season”.
If you will be joining us in Fort Worth (voted #1 Best Downtown in the country), please stop and tell me about some of your favorite travel sites. However, if you ask me about my travels, grab a chair, it could be awhile.