Baltimore Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 17

How Do Your Firm's Financials Compare to the Profession's Leaders?

How Do Your Firm's Financials Compare to the Profession's Leaders?

Published June 8, 2018

Be in the know in less time  . . .  The newly redesigned and streamlined 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey is now open and ready for your participation.  The CPA Firm Management Association is encouraging all member firms to complete this survey. Do you ever wonder how your firm compares to others its size in key performance indicators such as billing rates, firm ...

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Focus on What is Important

Focus on What is Important

Published June 8, 2018

I had a great lesson from my nineteen year old son recently. While I was furiously working through my daily tasks and checking on my to-do’s for the day, I received a call from him. “Mom – what are doing?” I abruptly answered “I’m working of course!” I answered him as quickly as I could as I sometimes think my children do not realize I am ACTUALLY working even though I have the luxury of working from ...

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Examples of Leadership Are All Around

Examples of Leadership Are All Around

Published June 8, 2018

Happy summer! Here in spoiled, sunny California things are starting to heat up. And, at my office, we are in the midst of a remodel – we are lucky enough to be getting new carpet. Over the past 15 years, with all the remodeling we’ve done, we had three different carpets in the mix. So, if you think things are chaotic at your office, just consider these pictures. My theme for my year as Chair has been leadership. Despite all the ...

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PCPS' Exploring FASB's Not-for-Profit Financial Report

PCPS' Exploring FASB's Not-for-Profit Financial Report

Published June 5, 2018

Firms, not-for-profit entities (NFPs), and their boards of directors will soon see some changes to NFP financial statements as a result of recent FASB Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2016-14. The Center for Plain English Accounting has produced this report explaining the new NFP standard changes with examples to illustrate the effects of the changes. Use Exploring FASBs NFP Financial Reporting Standard ASU 2016-14 along with other ...

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It's Time to Refocus

It's Time to Refocus

Published June 5, 2018

June is the time of year I really get to refocus. For me it’s all about the CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference, but you don’t have to go to be able to refocus. I’m at a small/medium size firm, so my responsibilities are varied to say the least, as I’m sure are many of you reading this. I love strategic thinking and planning, for me it’s fun and that’s one of the reasons I gravitated to this job.

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