What's On Your Smartphone or Device?
OVER - There are countless apps out there that let you mess around with your photos and make them all spiffy. OVER is is simple with one defined purpose, to allow you to add beautiful typography to your shots. Instead of adding boring text OVER lets you get a bit more stylish and design-y.
CARROT - The to-do list with a personality. Simply having a to-do list does not guarantee you’ll get anything done. In fact, most of our to-do lists start with “Make a To-Do List,” just so we can cross something off. With CARROT, your to-do list becomes a game, and you get more done because of it. Whether you accomplish your tasks and CARROT rewards you, or you upset it is totally up to you and your productivity.
CARROT - The to-do list with a personality. Simply having a to-do list does not guarantee you’ll get anything done. In fact, most of our to-do lists start with “Make a To-Do List,” just so we can cross something off. With CARROT, your to-do list becomes a game, and you get more done because of it. Whether you accomplish your tasks and CARROT rewards you, or you upset it is totally up to you and your productivity.