Welcome our new member, Hammond Greetings and Promotions!
Whitney proved to be quite a salesman. He did so well in fact, that his father got in touch with a local printer who supplied Whitney with actual card samples to show his customers. No longer was the boy selling for prizes on the back cover of a magazine. This was the real thing.
Whitney contacted local businesses, knowing that they would order larger quantities than individual families. Soon, he was receiving regular orders from Salt Lake City law firms, insurance agencies, accounting firms and other business professionals. One day when the card manufacturers called to talk with Whitney on the telephone, his mother had to tell them that her son was still at school. They had no idea that Whitney, one of their most productive representatives, was a school-age boy!
Today, Whitney's business is known as Hammond Greetings & Promotions and sells promotional items in addition to greeting cards.
As a member of CPA Firm Management Association, Hammond Greetings & Promotions is anxious to provide CPA firms throughout North America with quality promotional products, corporate apparel and gifts to solidify relationships and enhance images.
For more information contact Whitney at (801) 203-3734 or (888) 553-2590 or by email at whitney@hammond.com.