Roots of Success - A Gold Mine of Information
This will be one of the most unique and fully integrated conferences you, your managing partner, HR Director, marketing lead and/or IT lead will have the opportunity to attend. As we all know so very well, partner retreats typically result in initiatives that typically affect one or more of these areas and with this conference, you will have the opportunity to understand what other firms are doing, hear what industry leaders consider to be key points so that when you hear, “can you . . .” you are ahead of the curve!
Registration is just now getting into gear and I’m pleased to share that there are several “first timers” already registered! The veterans know all too well how valuable it is to connect with other practice management professionals to share best practices, re-connect after last year’s conference and of course to meet new AAA members. One of the more commonly heard phrases at our annual conference is, “I wish my managing partner could hear this”, SO what are you waiting for? Meet with your managing partner and convince him/her to attend this one with you! In terms of strategy, this is a gold mine to drive your firm to the next level!
Looking forward to seeing you in Orlando! For more information, visit http://www.cpaadmin.org/2015NPMC.