South Florida Chapter

A Rare Opportunity to Hear from Two of the Most Influential Thought Leaders in the World

Published May 14, 2021
Take advantage of our exclusive virtual event, “Exploring New Frontiers: An Evening of Innovative Ideasby registering for the 2021 CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference in conjunction with ENGAGE. The event will feature NASA engineer for Jet Propulsion Labs, Adam Steltzner, Virgin Group founder and entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson, as the keynote speakers, and will be streamed live on June 8th from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm.

During the session, Steltzner will begin by detailing Jet Propulsion Lab’s successful landing of the rover “Perseverance” on Mars on February 18, 2021The landing was not only a technological achievement but also an extraordinary leadership accomplishment, as the mission was completed in the midst of a global pandemic. Steltzner’s keynote will explore the innovational challenges, and leadership struggles that he and his team faced during their mission. Steltzner will also share stunning images from the red planetas well as his own personal narratives to demonstrate that with “Perseverance” you can overcome any challenge, even in times of uncertainty

Later during the session, event host Jill Schlesinger from CBS News will interview Sir Richard Branson, and explore his story behind the influential “Virgin” brand. Sir Richard will reveal his innovative thought processes and creative thinking practices, as well as discuss the obstacles he has had to overcome to get to where he is today. Sir Richard will conclude the keynote by sharing his personal insights on the different types of entrepreneurship, the importance of professional competition, and the significance of charitable business.  

To gain access to both of these keynote sessions, register for the CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference today, being held July 26-29, 2021. Click here for more information about the conference.