O Say Can You See?
Rich Stang continues, “I know our Director of Administration’s (and partner of our firm) membership in the CPA Firm Management Association (formerly the Association for Accounting Administration (AAA) has contributed greatly to the 25 years of success she has had with our firm and helped our firm to continue to grow.”
The CPAFMA is the only organization for professionals who manage the administration of CPA firms. A member organization with nearly 1,000 CPA firms and 17 regional chapters. Chapter members meet regularly to hear speakers on topics which are important to the success of CPA Firms.
The CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference is held each year and this year is being held in DeLeon & Stang's own backyard at the Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor, June 27-30, 2016. The theme this year is “O Say, Can You See?” The event includes sessions that range from the beginning to the advanced levels. From the high-level practice management sessions to the smaller breakout sessions geared to specific problem-solving and informal gatherings designed to facilitate networking and information exchange, the Conference has sessions for accounting firm managers with one year of experience to COOs and managing partners with over 30 years of experience. The overall program is designed to enhance the skills of even the most experienced firm manager through ta wide variety of top-notch and timely sessions led by professionals and experts from around the country.
Don’t miss some of the top accounting firm consultants and experts from MACPA’s CEO Tom Hood, Sam Allred, Rita Keller to name a few.
O Say, Can you See? . . . your firm going to the next level of success. Join us at the 2016 CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference and learn how to define a clear path for the future by providing you the latest learning, tools and technological information to keep you on the cutting edge.
The CPAFMA is committed to:
Expertise and Learning - developing and honing our unique expertise in firm practice management conducting research and providing members access to expert thinking, education, guidance and resources in CPA firm strategic planning, operations, finance, technology and human resources.
Professionalism - attracting members who manage their firms with the utmost professionalism and adhere to a set of guiding principles when executing their roles.
Lasting Relationships and Collaboration – providing our members meaningful collaboration and networking opportunities and encouraging them to develop deep and long-lasting relationships. These relationships allow members to truly collaborate by identifying areas of similarity, sharing best practices, supporting and encouraging each other to learn and grow.
The Association is the one representative voice of professionals managing accounting firms. Check out the Association’s website or Conference's site.
If you’d like to learn more about the Association or the conference, feel free to contact me at Jeanie@deleonandstang.com or (301) 948-9825.