South Florida Chapter

Meet Kristin Holthus, CPA from Anton Collins Mitchell LLP

Published April 22, 2016
Read more about Kristin Holthus, CPA, Controller with Anton Collins Mitchell LLP (ACM), a Colorado-based firm.  Kristin has been CPAFMA's Colorado Chapter President for the past two years.

What is your hometown?
Pinedale, Wyoming

Where did you go to school?
I have a BS degree in Accounting from the University of Wyoming with a Masters of Accountancy from the University of Denver.

How did you get into accounting firm management?
I always knew I wanted to be part of the business world; I just wasn't sure in what capacity. Once I began taking accounting classes, it clicked and I knew what my career path would be.

What brought you to become a firm manager?
I accepted a position with ACM right out of college.  After five years as an auditor, I was promoted to manager and offered an opportunity to move into a position that allowed me to use the experience I had gained to manage the audit department's scheduling needs including assessing budgets. I also took over aspects of human resources including recruiting, both college and experienced hire, in addition to the on-boarding process. This role allowed me to participate in other aspects of firm management including software management, training needs, staffing requirements, and firm process and policy.  I was fortunate to be given an opportunity to remain deeply involved with firm management while working a reduced schedule in order to begin raising my family.  I really enjoyed the human resource role but missed accounting. In time, I was offered another opportunity to use my combined experience to a greater degree and I accepted the position of Controller.  This position allows me to use my accounting background and CPA license, and offers potential for career advancement.  My position encompasses responsibility for the firm’s financial data, month-end operations, administrative staff management, and firm management.

What is one thing that makes your firm different?
ACM allows people to work to their strengths and have a variety of experiences during their career.  We have a very people-centric culture which applies both internally to our employees and externally to our clients. ACM provides audit, tax and consulting services to the Rocky Mountain Region’s entrepreneurial and middle market companies along with their owners, as well as public sector and philanthropic organizations.  We proactively work with clients to problem solve business issues and identify areas in which we can add value while improving operations. We place a high value on corporate responsibility; through combining our spirit of volunteerism, specialized skills, and economic resources, we make a difference in our communities.

What are your accomplishments or milestones?  
I'm proud of the progress I've made in my career while also focusing on my husband and two very busy little girls. I have had opportunities to act in very different roles within the firm, providing the opportunity to grow and be challenged in ways that I hadn’t thought possible with a public accounting firm. Throughout my career growth, I have still been able to be active with my family and have not had to choose one or the other because of my work responsibilities. Integrating work and life has become the norm and I feel like I am able to succeed with both.

What was your first job?
I was 14 and worked at a small cafe on Main Street in Pinedale, Wyoming, waitressing in the summer. It taught me a lot about working with a variety of personalities.  My fondest memories are of the nights that I worked late in the evenings. Local artists would play music on the patio and various tourists and locals would gather, everyone interacting and getting to know others from different places and sharing their stories.

What was the toughest part of your job?
The toughest part of my job is also the part I enjoy the most, namely constant change. Day-to-day responsibilities have to keep moving forward even though there is something unexpected that needs immediate attention every day. Multi-tasking, picking up and putting down, and switching gears keeps my days interesting and challenging.

What is the best advice you have received?
"Don't quit at the first signs it's going to be tough, even when you really want to give up." Of all the advice I’ve received, this one sitcks with me. Personally and professionally I've encountered some rough patches, some took longer than others to get through, but looking back, those were the times when I experienced the most growth.

Tell us about your family.
My husband and I have been married for almost 11 years.  We have two girls, Taylor (7) and Parker (5), as well as a dog and two cats; all keep us very busy! We are very fortunate to have many of our family members close to us in the Denver area, so we get to spend a lot of time with them enjoying fun activities.

What are some of your outside interests?
I don't have much downtime between a full-time career and being a mom, so when I do get some free some free time I enjoy slowing down, spending time at the lake, playing with my kids, wandering through markets, reading books and sampling all the amazing restaurants Denver has to offer.

What is your favorite outside charity or event?
Junior Achievement - I have volunteered for JA in a Day for the last 10 years and love it more each year. A group of firm members spends a day at an elementary school teaching students about basic concepts of business and economics and how education is relevant to the workplace. This is a one day event that is a great way to have a large impact on students in a short amount of time, and it also gives me the opportunity to go back to kindergarten for a day!

What is your favorite vacation spot?
I love to vacation anywhere there is a beach! 

What are some other careers that you would like to try?
I've always envied those who have such an eye for interior design. It's so interesting to me that someone can look at a space and come up with so many imaginative ways for layouts and decorating. I have always thought that interior design would be a fun career to try.