Free Webinar for NPMC First Time Attendees or Those Needing a Refresher
As you know, the Association for Accounting Administration's National Practice Management Conference has partnered with the Practitioners Symposium TECH+ Conference and the AAM Summit to deliver unique programs within a complete learning experience for you and your firm. With so much happening with respect to the Conference, we wanted to help those who are joining us for the first time (or those looking for a refresher).
Traditionally, AAA offers a First Timer's gathering to provide some tips and helpful insights to make your participation a true experience. With an already overwhelming agenda, we have opted to host this gathering as a webinar in advance of your trip to Disney. This will be a chance to not only learn the ins and outs of the educational extravangza but an opportunity to "get to know" others and establish a networking circle before the first networking event takes place.
Jeanie Price, AAAPM with Deleon & Stang CPAs & Advisors in Gaithersburg, Maryland has been to 17 AAA Conferences and will be partnering with AAA Director of Education, Ann White, AAAPM with BDO USA LLP in Fort Worth, Texas to share their thoughts to ensure your Conference experience is a success.
Join us for a 30-minute webinar to help you prepare for this conference experience. There is no cost and there will be an opportunity for questions and answers; in fact they are encouraged!
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST (1:00 PM CST / 12:00 PM MST / 11:00 AM PST)
To join the gathering, follow these steps at the designated time or a little early if you'd like.
- Log in to the webinar portal, click here or copy and paste the following URL into your Internet browser:
http://associationoffices.adobeconnect.com/aaa05282015 - Choose "Guest" and type in your name.
- To hear the audio portion, you will need a telephone connection and to call (877) 805-0965.
- When prompted enter Participant Code: 6878585#
- Ask questions!
If you are unable to log-in, feel free to hop on the audio portion and we'll send you the presentation following the gathering.
For complete Conference details, click here.