CPAFMA Announces 2018-2019 Leadership Team
The following members of CPAFMA have been nominated by the Nominating Committee to serve as officers for a one-year term or directors for a three-year term, beginning July 1, 2018. The Association thanks all of members submitting their name for nomination. The committee felt the decision was extremely difficult however it shows that CPAFMA has a membership with a dynamic and experienced leadership base.
Chair - Ann White, PAFM, BDO USA
Vice Chair - Sharon Trabbic, PAFM, William Vaughan Company
Secretary - Jeanie Price, PAFM, Deleon & Stang, CPAs & Advisors
Treasurer - Alan Alexander, CPA, PAFM, RSM US LLP
Director - Larry Sheftel, PHR, SHRM-CP, PAFM, Aprio
Director - Kristine Latchaw, CPA, PAFM, Maner Costerisan
Continuing to serve on the Board of Directors will be: Jane Johnson, MBA, CMPE, PAFM, Grimbleby Coleman, CPA's, Inc., as immediate past chair and Tiffany Taft, PAFM, Baker Holtz, CPAs & Advisors, Joyce Arthur, PAFM, BDO Alliance USA, and Michael Mariano, PHR, PAFM, Leaf, Miele, Magnanelli, Fortunato & Engel, LLC as directors.
CPAFMA will thank those who have served including outgoing chair Bob Biddle, PAFM, Bowman & Company LLP during an Awards & Recognition Reception on June 13, 2018 held at the CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference partnered with AICPA ENGAGE.