CPAFMA 2020-2021 National Board Slate Announced
The following members of CPAFMA have been nominated to serve as officers or directors for a corresponding term, beginning July 1, 2020. The committee thanks all of the members submitting a nomination resume. "The decision was extremely difficult, however it shows we have an Association with a dynamic and experienced leadership base," said White.
Jeanie Price, PAFM, DeLeon & Stang, CPAs & Advisors
Vice Chair
Alan Alexander, CPA, PAFM, Jackson Thornton CPAs & Consultants
Larry Sheftel, PHR, SHRM-CP, PAFM, Aprio
Tiffany Taft, PAFM, Baker Holtz, CPAs & Advisors
Jana Cinnamon, Abdo Eick & Meyers, LLP
Kim Fitzgerald, PAFM, Squire, Lemkin + Company, LLP
Daniel Gregory, PAFM, Genske, Mulder & Company LLP
Continuing to serve on the Board of Directors will be: Sharon Trabbic, PAFM, William Vaughan Company, as immediate past chair and Lauren Fitch, J.D., PAFM, Faulk & Winkler, LLC and Kristine Latchaw, CPA, PAFM, Maner Costerisan as directors.
As specified in the bylaws, nominations by petition will be accepted by active members of the association. If a member wishes to nominate an individual other than those listed, a nomination accompanied by the signatures of least forty members must be submitted to the Association's headquarters by June 15, 2020. If there are n petitions submitted, the slate will be ratified.
CPAFMA encourages those members interested in being considered by the nominating committee for the CPAFMA 2021 elections to visit the website after July 1, 2020 for additional information. Nominations for next year's leadership team are due March 1, 2021.
If you have questions about the nomination process or the positions available, reach out to CPAFMA. For the latest Association news and the opportunity to connect with members, visit CPAFMA’s Connect.