Chapter Chatter Busy Season Edition
o March 24, 2015
o April 21, 2015
Speaking of Partnering with the state and local CPA societies…they WANT to work with us desperately! I have been in contact with several leaders at the state societies and they are more than willing to collaborate with us in any way that we see fit. The Texas State Society of CPAs is working with us to put together a joint meeting to support our members in Texas and assist with bolstering efforts in the local metro areas throughout the state! We are very excited about this and are hoping to continue partnerships like this with other geographic areas.
The 2015 Conference will be here before you know it and we are excited to be announcing program details at the Chapter Leader Luncheon (scheduled for Monday, June 8, 2015 from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM) about the “Chapter of the Year” Contest that will take place starting in July of 2015 and running until May of 2016. The winner will be announced at the 2016 National Practice Management Conference in Baltimore!
We will continue to work with our existing Chapters to support them, assist those who need a little TLC and work with those “who boldly go where no man/woman has gone” and want to start a NEW chapter! Thank you for your continued support and please email me with ideas, comments and suggestions as we work to continually improve our chapter development programs, support and involvement in AAA!
A Reminder: Bookkeeping Support for Chapters is Available
National is excited to provide bookkeeping services for chapters. No longer will chapters need to open/close checking accounts due to the transition of a treasurer. Instead, AAA accounting staff will pay chapter expenses and provide monthly statements. Chapter treasurers will continue to control the funds and review/report on all chapter finances. Funds for due rebates and registrations for chapter events will all be credited to chapter accounts. Several chapters are already using this service and enjoying the ease of this process. Our goal is to have all chapters transitioned to this bookkeeping service this year. Let the National Office know if you have any questions.