South Florida Chapter

Busy Season: Staying Connected and Having Fun!

Published April 22, 2016
We know all too well how the long days and weeks during spring busy season can take a toll on those who work in public accounting. Employee engagement and retention are even more challenging with the impact of workload compression. There is no shortage of articles on this topic but what does your firm actually do about employee retention and is it working?

It’s no secret that employees want to spend more time with their family and friends, I know I do! Do you keep your focus on the big picture and long lasting impact rather than the here and now? What creative options has your firm considered? This is truly one size fits one; what works in one office may not work in another. Options that convey empathy and caring for working long hours but still maintain the emphasis that client needs must be met, will improve your office morale and commitment. This is a people business after all and when we find ways to show our employees that we care about them, most employees will do their best work! Keep your plan simple – simple implementation, simple details to remember and explain, and simple to assess.

Don’t forget to have fun either! Remember, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Ya’ gotta find ways to laugh along the way! Ultimately, you are building a team that has strengths and development opportunities as individuals and as a collective team. It’s the teams that feel connected, respected and find the positive in what they do – even with the long hours – that are not only successful but will remain with your firm through busy season and beyond.

Suggestions for maximizing family time during busy season:

  • Plan an in-office dinner for immediate family or a close friend once a week.
  • Designate a 30 minute window each evening for employees to call or face time their family/friends.
  • Send a thank you note to a family member from the Managing Partner or engagement partner expressing gratitude for the support they give to their family member during busy season. Maybe include a gift card for the family member.
  • Find creative ways to free up more weekends during busy season. Can you find a way to schedule 1 weekend “off” – no work expected! If not the entire weekend, maybe a Saturday afternoon or morning “off”.
  • Have a photo contest – everyone brings a new family photo to put up in their work area

Suggestions for fun in the office:

  • Friday email BINGO or other games
  • Create a “banana” award – for the silliest experience of the week. The winner gets a banana or another “award”.
  • Mystery bouquet, candy dish, etc. – initially the item is anonymously given to another employee with an appreciation or way to go/make their day note. The recipient will be responsible for passing the item on with a note to another person the following day. If a candy dish, reload with a different candy, etc. Mystery is always fun!
  • Have a baby photo contest.
  • Of course, there are always food themed days, too.

These are a very few ideas to consider. What you do is not as important as actually just doing something sincerely and consistently. I’ll close with a question, what are you going to do in your office to support connecting employees to their families and to have fun in the office during the
remainder of busy season and throughout the year?