Association Launches Connect Experience
We know the value that CPAFMA members put on networking and educational opportunities we provide through our conferences, local and regional chapter events and online and on-demand programs throughout the year. To build on that value, we are excited to enter into this enhanced phase of member collaboration by providing CPAFMA members an environment to connect, engage and share experiences, industry information and best practices, seek and share advice, exchange resources and build relationships.
Members are automatically subscribed to the Daily Digest version of CPAFMA's All-Member Community, meaning you’ll get one email each day containing all of the previous day’s posts. If you’d like to change that to real time (you’ll get an email every time something new is posted), no emails (you can view the discussions online but won’t receive email), or unsubscribe, visit your profile and modify. While there, take a moment to explore the other communities available for you to join. If you have an idea for a group that doesn’t exist yet, email us and we’ll create it for you or show you how to create it yourself.
You are encouraged to kick off a discussion or post an answer to another discussion and of course update your profile and add your photo.
Connect is an evolving collaborative tool. We will introduce new tools and resources in the coming weeks and months to enhance your experience and will continue to encourage feedback on what members would like to see. Connect is mobile-friendly to help you stay connected wherever you are.
We look forward to your feedback and suggestions on how we can make Connect a member benefit you can't manage your firm without.
If you have a question or need assistance, Autumn James at CPAFMA would love to help!