AAA Financial Management Fly-In Features Bill Reeb and More!
• Advanced training for practical use in an accounting firm and tools and information on how to train staff.
• New applications and knowledge to address today's reporting and financial management challenges within CPA Firms.
• New skills, new contacts and shared knowledge with those in similar positions.
• Specific solutions and best practices in the area of financial management of accounting practices.
With some of the profession's key presenters including Natasha Schamberger, CPA, AICPA; Bill Reeb, Succession Institute, Alan Alexander, CPA, Sellers Richardson Holman & West, LLP and Val Sneed, K2 Enterprises, this year's Financial Management Fly-In will cover those topics needed by controllers, CFOs and others at CPA firms throughout North America with a focus on the financial aspects of the firm.
Topics including "Key Performance Indicators", "Excel Training and Insights for the Financial Manager", "M&A from a Financial Standpoint", "Succession from a Financial Standpoint", and "Firm Economics".
Besides presentations, the day-and-a-half event will include time for open discussions on topics determined by the attendees. Topics such as reading financial statements, benchmarking, billing and collections, time capture, electronic billing, equipment leasing/purchasing, cost recovery systems, partner compensation strategies, retirement planning, health care costs, staff training, challenges, technology and financial management, budgeting, firm structures, managing risk, fees and strategies, alternative pricing strategies, and more will be included. For the complete agenda, click here.
This Fly-In qualifies for CPE and attendees can earn up to 12.5 hours. To learn more about the day-and-a-half program, click here.
Association for
Accounting Administration
136 South Keowee Street | Dayton, Ohio 45402
Phone (937) 222-0030 | Fax (937) 222-5794
aaainfo@cpaadmin.org | www.cpaadmin.org
Fly-In Information
Online Registration
Contact AAA
November 11-12, 2014
Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel & Conference Center
5440 North River Road
Rosemont (Chicago), IL 60018
Contact the hotel for reservations at the group rate of $132 per night plus tax directly at (877) 337-5793.
The program begins at 10:00 AM CT on Tuesday, November 11 and will conclude on Wednesday, November 12 at 12:00 PM CT.
Speaker's knowledge was great and the networking of people who are in the same unique position as myself outstanding.
The small setting permitted sharing and deliverables that could be immediately implemented.
Meeting other professionals with the same issues and road blocks was worth the investment.
Having a fly-in specific to finance was useful as most conferences include other focus areas.
Reserve Your Spot!
Session is limited to 40.