AAA 2014 Technology Fly-In Takes Place November 11-12, 2014
The AAA 2014 Technology Fly-In, November 11-12, 2014 in Chicago, Illinois, provides the opportunity for participants to be able to identify and use:
• New resources that will help leverage time more effectively.
• New applications and knowledge to address today's technology challenges at CPA firms
• Specific solutions and best practices in the area of IT
With some of the profession's key presenters including Roman Kepczyk, Director of Consulting, Xcentric; Christian James, Co-Founder and COO, Xcentric; and Eric McMillen, Owner and Principal Consultant, The McMillen Group, this year's Technology Fly-In will cover those topics needed by network administrators at CPA firms throughout North America.
These topics include "Accounting Trends Update", "Network Infrastructure / Issues / Disaster Recovery / IT Leadership", "Open IT / Network / Training / Staffing Discussion", "Applying LEAN Processes to Tax/Audit Best Practices", "Accounting Production Issues / Cloud / Web Applications", "Accounting Gadgets / Business Tools Share Group", "Turnkey Deliverable: IT Governance and Security Briefing for Staff", "Firm Security Update", "Group Security Discussions and Open Topic Forum", and "Tech Take-Aways".
Besides presentations, the day-and-a-half event will include time for open discussions by firm size, software and topic. For the complete agenda, click here.
• New resources that will help leverage time more effectively.
• New applications and knowledge to address today's technology challenges at CPA firms
• Specific solutions and best practices in the area of IT
With some of the profession's key presenters including Roman Kepczyk, Director of Consulting, Xcentric; Christian James, Co-Founder and COO, Xcentric; and Eric McMillen, Owner and Principal Consultant, The McMillen Group, this year's Technology Fly-In will cover those topics needed by network administrators at CPA firms throughout North America.
These topics include "Accounting Trends Update", "Network Infrastructure / Issues / Disaster Recovery / IT Leadership", "Open IT / Network / Training / Staffing Discussion", "Applying LEAN Processes to Tax/Audit Best Practices", "Accounting Production Issues / Cloud / Web Applications", "Accounting Gadgets / Business Tools Share Group", "Turnkey Deliverable: IT Governance and Security Briefing for Staff", "Firm Security Update", "Group Security Discussions and Open Topic Forum", and "Tech Take-Aways".
Besides presentations, the day-and-a-half event will include time for open discussions by firm size, software and topic. For the complete agenda, click here.
This Fly-In qualifies for CPE and attendees can earn up to 12.5 hours. For complete information including how to make hotel reserations, click here.