2021 Digitally Driven (Paperless) Benchmark Survey Results
The CPA Firm Management Association completed their 2021 Digitally Driven (Paperless) Benchmarking Survey in December 2020 to find out the status of digitally driven office practices in member firms for the 2021 busy season. This "paperless" benchmarking survey has been conducted every two years since 2003 to help identify digital trends that medium and larger firms are adopting within their practices. This year 124 firms participated in the survey with the results summarized and compared to the 2019 findings.
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA.CITP, PAFM, Director of Firm Consulting for Right Networks and CPAFMA Advisory Board member summarized the results during a webinar in mid-January. A copy of the recording, can be found here.
Click here for the 2021 CPAFMA Digitally Driven Benchmark Survey Results.