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Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
Implementing Voice over IP: Does It Add Up?
Adriana Linares, President of LawTech Partners and Ben Schorr, CEO of Roland Schorr
Adriana Linares, President of LawTech Partners and Ben Schorr, CEO of Roland Schorr
Someone Is Watching You - The Identity Theft Epidemic
Kim E. Redd, Independent Associate, Group Benefits Specialist with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Kim E. Redd, Independent Associate, Group Benefits Specialist with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Winning With Difficult People at Work
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Are You a Human Helicopter? Ten Steps To Go From Hovering To Soaring!
Leslie G. Ungar, President, Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Leslie G. Ungar, President, Electric Impulse Communications, Inc.
Managing Conflict Successfully (If Not Cheerfully!)
Jennifer Wilson Co-Founder and Owner of ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
Jennifer Wilson Co-Founder and Owner of ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
Technology Predictions for 2007
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA CITP President of InfoTech Partners North America, Inc.
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA CITP President of InfoTech Partners North America, Inc.
Results of Benchmarking 2007 Paperless Office Practices
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA CITP President of InfoTech Partners North America, Inc.
Roman H. Kepczyk, CPA CITP President of InfoTech Partners North America, Inc.
Leadership - Taking Performance to the Next Level
Peggy Pattison, Performance Coach and CEO of Peggy Pattison Unlimited
Peggy Pattison, Performance Coach and CEO of Peggy Pattison Unlimited
What’s in Your Benefit Package? And, Is It the Right Stuff?
Linda A. Pappajohn - SantoraBaffone CPA Group
Linda A. Pappajohn - SantoraBaffone CPA Group
Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent
Rita Keller, Brady Ware & Schoenfeld, Inc.
Rita Keller, Brady Ware & Schoenfeld, Inc.
Transform Your Firm's Culture for Growth and Profitability
Shannon Vincent, Co-Founder and CEO, ReNew Group
Shannon Vincent, Co-Founder and CEO, ReNew Group
Guiding the Growth of Your Business - The Benefits of Outsourcing
Paul Bint, ADP TotalSource
Paul Bint, ADP TotalSource
The Flexibility Factor
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Employee Initiation - Turn Your Employee Orientation Process into a Powerful Retention Tool
Sam Allred, CPA, Director of Upstream Academy
Sam Allred, CPA, Director of Upstream Academy
Creating a Mentoring Program that Works
Fred Dillion, SPHR, Vice President of Operations with Simpson & Osborne, CPA's, A.C.
Fred Dillion, SPHR, Vice President of Operations with Simpson & Osborne, CPA's, A.C.
Decontaminate Toxic People: Without Weapons or Duct Tape
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
How to Turn Corporate Tax Liabilities into Assets:Revenue Generation – Taking the Next Step
Larry Nealy, Co-Founder, Axiom Solutions
Larry Nealy, Co-Founder, Axiom Solutions
Interviewing Skills
Linda A. Pappajohn - SantoraBaffone CPA Group
Linda A. Pappajohn - SantoraBaffone CPA Group
Kevin P. Prendergast, President of Research Associates, and Arthur Sommer, Vice President
Kevin P. Prendergast, President of Research Associates, and Arthur Sommer, Vice President
Dress for Success - First Impressions and Dress Code Policies
Bonnie L. MacKey, CPA, CSEP
Bonnie L. MacKey, CPA, CSEP
Risk Management for your Accounting Practice
Mr. Ralph Picardi, CPA, Esq., and Mr. Tom Henell, VP, NAPLIA, Sponsored by NAPLIA
Mr. Ralph Picardi, CPA, Esq., and Mr. Tom Henell, VP, NAPLIA, Sponsored by NAPLIA
Avoiding Sexual & Other Forms of Harassment
Angela Dietch and Mary Ellen Meador
Angela Dietch and Mary Ellen Meador
How to Increase Your Practice Revenue
David Bergstein
David Bergstein
Your Seamless Transition to Digital Document Management
Roger Mongeon, Director of Business Development, Doc-It, Inc.
Roger Mongeon, Director of Business Development, Doc-It, Inc.
Developing an Effective and Legally Compliant Employment Screening Program
Kevin P. Prendergast, President of Research Associates, Inc. and Dean R. Kutz, Vice President of Research Associates, Inc.
Kevin P. Prendergast, President of Research Associates, Inc. and Dean R. Kutz, Vice President of Research Associates, Inc.