Winning With Difficult People at Work

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2007
Time: 10:00 AM ET / 09:00 AM CT / 08:00 AM MT / 07:00 AM PT [Prevailing Time]
Presenter(s): Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA
Identify and respond positively to those boorish behaviors of difficult people and gain insight on how to manage their impact on you or your associates. Learn to take the offensive against the "Yes" people, "No" people, Gripers, Snipers, Dictators and Know-it-alls and all the other characters you experience every day!
Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources
Program Level: Basic
CPE Credit: 1 Credit Hour
Delivery Method: Group Internet-based

No advanced preparation or prerequisites are required for this course.
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Course Description

Do you have the skills to manage and extinguish unacceptable behavior in the workplace? Get positive, constructive results from every confrontation by discovering Marsha's unique approaches to Steamrollers, Clams, Experts, Back Stabbers, Fault Finders and the ultimate pain companions - Whine and Cheesers!

People can often make you question your own capabilities and sanity. Get a grip on the approaches that work. Turn that ugly situation into a tolerable event. Learn how to be less of a target for difficult people.

Presenter and Moderator Bios
Marsha Petrie Sue, MBA (yes, she really did marry a guy named Sue!) was once ruled by Toxic People. No, not the kind that you see on the big screen, slithering out from that belching, radioactive glowing mound of crud in the middle of the desert. Surprise! That Toxic Person turned out to the "grump next door" that perhaps sat in the cubicle next to her at work. She could have been that obnoxious person in the supermarket that invariably would take 13 items into the check out line in front of you, smirking that smirk of smugness..."ha, ha I'm ahead of you and guess what? They have run a price check on ALL 13, not 12 items!" Bores...all of them.

It wasn't until Marsha made a conscious decision to improve and act upon her skills in handling these "characters" and now she has become a leading expert in the field of conflict management, communications and building relationships.

Marsha works with companies (she is a former Executive Vice President of Westinghouse Financial American Directory Project) and associations that desire to create a stimulating environment for leaders and employees through personal accountability, challenged thinking and acceptance of change. She has authorized over 37 books, recordings and downloads and has had over 125 articles published challenging us all to get with the program!

Her honors include First Place Arizona Literary Awards, Member of the Year National Speakers Association, Past President National Speakers Association, a Telly Award Winner and Writer's Digest Certificate of Merit for The CEO of YOU.

Her educational background has her graduating magna cum laude, MBA University of Phoenix, BA from California State University in Long Beach, Darden School of Business and maintains her Myers Briggs Type Indicator Certification credentials.

So come on. What are you waiting for? Register today for this sure-to-be fun MAPCast for 2007!

$25.00 for CPAFMA Members / $40.00 for Non-Members / Free for PAFMs

Delivery System

  • All programs are delivered using the Zoom platform.
  • Confirmations will include log-in instructions.
  • Participants are able to participate using any device with an Internet connect (if the device does not have speakers, the participant can also dial-in) or they can participate with audio only by dialing in.
  • All registrants will receive a link to the webinar’s recording by email within 48 business hours of event’s conclusion.
  • There will be assistance available to help with technical and connectivity issues up to 10 minutes prior to the start of the presentation.


All registration is done on-line with the names and email addresses of each individual guest. Log-in details will be emailed to all registrants approximately 1-2 days prior to each session.

Refund Policy

CPAFMA will not issue refunds for webinars. If a registrant is unable to participate in the webinar and sends written notice to 48 hours prior to the session, a credit will be provided for a future webinar. Alert the CPAFMA staff member monitoring the webinar if technical difficulties are encountered and technical support will be provided to eliminate problems with future webinars.

Additional Information

Live participation is required for CPE credit and polling questions must be answered to show active participation. All registrants will receive an email following the session with links to the slides and/or handouts, and a link to the webinar recording (unless otherwise stated). If you are unable to participate in the live session, you can still watch the recorded session, but you will not be eligible for CPE credits.

For more information regarding CPAFMA webinars or administrative policies such as complaint and refund, contact the CPAFMA Headquarters at 937-222-0030, or