Baltimore Chapter

Spotlight: Alan Alexander

Published October 20, 2014
Name: Michael Alan Alexander
Firm: Sellers Richardson Holman & West, LLP
Title: Chief Operating Officer (Some days it seems more like COO COO (Cuckoo))
Place of Employment: Birmingham, Alabama
Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama
Education: BS Accounting, Auburn University, Master of Accounting, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)                                   

How I got into accounting/firm administration: The father of my best friend growing up owned his own accounting firm, plus what is sexier than being an accountant.

What brought me to become a firm administrator: The people; Our firm has multiple external client servers I saw a need to serve our internal clients.

One thing that makes my firm different: Our people - we have a collaborative, non-competitive spirit especially with the younger staff. They genuinely seem to get along both inside and outside of work.

My accomplishments or milestones: Still a work in progress; I passed the CPA exam. I always ask our new hires if they know what CPA stands for… Couldn’t Pass Again.

My first job: Mowing lawns and managing our church gym (did both the first summer I worked).

The toughest part of the job: Motivating our administrative staff to embrace client service.

Best advice I have received: Live each day as if it were your last. Learn each day like you will live forever. Heard this when I was in high school (Gandhi, if I remember) and it has stuck with me.

About my family: I am married to the lovely Valerie and we have three daughters (Harper- 17, Carter – 15 and Emory – 13). I wait each morning to see which personality comes down the stairs.

Outside interests: I spend most of my time at the children’s activities. I love Auburn sports and reading.

Favorite outside charity event: The ALS Association. This one is new to me but everyone knows it's due to the Ice Bucket Challenge. If you have not been challenged by anyone at this point, consider this your challenge from me. My wife’s cousin was diagnosed last year and one of my daughter’s friends father was diagnosed last year and a gentlemen from our church in the last couple of years.               

Favorite vacation spot: Hilton Head, South Carolina but I tell my children it's Auburn, Alabama.

Other careers I would like to try: History teacher

Mentor who has helped the most in my career: My father