Washington Chapter

Meet CPAFMA's New Director of Chapter Development Joyce Arthur

Published October 1, 2015
Joyce Arthur
Senior Member Services Manager
CPAmerica, International

Hometown: Ocala, Florida

Education: University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, the College of Central Florida, Ocala, Florida and Saint Leo University, Tampa, Florida.

How I got into accounting/firm administration?  I majored in Business Administration with a minor in Accounting. I have worked in all aspects of the CPA firm from administration, staff, bookkeeper, tax preparer to Firm Administrator.

What brought me to become a firm administrator?  I loved the CPA firm atmosphere and all aspects of the position.

What is one thing that makes my firm different?  We are an association of CPA firms across the United States. I get to meet and work with Firm Administrators and Partners from many different firms and have developed strong relationships with these people.  CPAmerica’s members get the best of both worlds – the professional attention of a local firm with the knowledge and resources of a national firm.

What are my accomplishments or milestones?  I have worked in the accounting industry for over 25 years.

What is the toughest part of the job?  The accounting profession is constantly changing. With that in mind, keeping up on current technologies and trends is probably the toughest part.

What is the best advice I have received? Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it! Make your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.

About my family: I’ve been married to my husband Wayne for 25 years. We have a 17 year old son named Wayland and a 10 year old daughter named Ava.

Outside interests: I love to spend time with family and friends.  You will usually find me boating, shopping, at an art festival or trying my hand at interior decorating.

Favorite vacation spot: New England

Other careers I would like to try: I would be an interior designer.

Mentor who has helped the most in my career: My current boss and Vice President of Services at CPAmerica, Grace Horvath, has encouraged me so much since the day I started at CPAmerica. She has pushed me to be my best and gives me opportunities to excel every chance she can. She is my biggest cheerleader and I couldn’t imagine working within the association without her.