Michigan Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 29

PCPS Intentional Gratitude Actions Worksheet

PCPS Intentional Gratitude Actions Worksheet

Published March 27, 2017

Take a few minutes out of your busy day to show gratitude to those in your firm. Using PCPS Intentional Gratitude Actions can help increase motivation, teamwork, personal knowledge and build a strong firm culture. Find out more about creating a culture of gratitude with this accompanying Podcast. This PCPS Intentional Gratitude Actions Worksheet and Pocast are examples of turnkey tools and solutions the PCPS delivers. PCPS is an add-on ...

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The Association Announces that the AAAPM Designation is Now the PAFM Designation

The Association Announces that the AAAPM Designation is Now the PAFM Designation

Published March 10, 2017

The Association for Accounting Administration became the CPA Firm Management Association for many reasons, all of which are applicable to our certification program. We want a larger reach, we want to be more inclusive of the firm management arena and we want those involved in managing CPA firms to know they are not alone and as thought leaders, we can make a difference when it comes to the success level of firms throughout the U.S. and ...

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2017 Paperless Benchmark Survey Results

2017 Paperless Benchmark Survey Results

Published February 28, 2017

The CPA Firm Management Association completed their 2017 paperless benchmarking survey to find out the status of paperless office practices in accounting firms this upcoming busy season. The survey has been conducted every two years beginning in 2003 to help identify trends in adopting “less paper” processes. This year, 176 firms participated in the survey, powered by Canon. Member firms are leading the profession by adopting ...

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An Editor's Perspective!

An Editor's Perspective!

Published February 28, 2017

We are all extremely fortunate to be members of an accounting association that is recognized as a leader in CPA firm practice management. By being a member, not only do we have access to so many resources and tools needed to make our jobs easier, we belong to a society of members where we can communicate with one another to share experiences, best practices and support and encourage each other through our participation on the discussion forum, ...

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The Foundation of a Good Workflow System

The Foundation of a Good Workflow System

Published February 28, 2017

The foundation of a good workflow system is making sure the resources needed by your staff to perform their work are in a secure but central location. In an accounting practice, part of your resource planning must be to have a plan in place to deal with the flow of source documents – how to intake, store and access them. At the outset of an engagement, it’s crucial to be clear with the client what their responsibility is in getting ...

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