Explore the Primary Tool You Need to Effectively Execute Your Firm's Talent Management Plan

Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Time: 11:15 AM ET / 10:15 AM CT / 09:15 AM MT / 08:15 AM PT [Prevailing Time]
Presenter(s): Jeremy S. Wortman, PhD, HRD Initiatives
Learn about a primary tool needed to effectively execute talent management initiatives. Specifically, learn how to accurately and effectively use personality assessments within your firm.
Field of Study: Personnel/Human Resources
Program Level: Basic
CPE Credit: 0.50 Credit Hour
Delivery Method: Group Internet-based

It is recommended that participants watch session one from September 17 before this 30 minute course.
Members should visit the Recordings Catalogue to view select recordings for free and on-demand. Join CPAFMA today to enjoy this benefit.
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Course Description

This is the second core session in the series providing tools needed to manage your firm's talent management plan. Please watch session one from September 17th before this session. Learn about a primary tool needed to effectively execute talent management initiatives. Specifically, learn how to accurately and effectively use personality assessments within your firm. Topics to be discussed include: Compare and contrast between preference and trait tools, In-depth review of why you should use a trait-based tool, Review of commonly used personality tools in business, and an Introduction to the OMS tool.

Presenter and Moderator Bios
With a strong passion for, and a commitment to, the positive development of individuals and organizations, Jeremy Wortman is the Owner of HRD Initiatives which specializes in Organizational Development and Talent Management Solutions. In this capacity he works with client partners’ executive teams in determining talent management strategies, building leadership talent, the implementation of relevant solutions and the coaching of individual leaders.

Wortman has over seventeen years of experience in organization and leadership development with a significant amount of his time, early in his career, at TD Ameritrade where he was the Director of Organizational Effectiveness. There he was responsible for enterprise-wide talent management initiatives as well as partnering with senior executives across the organization to determine business unit and department-level talent management strategies, needs, and solutions that drive their performance goals. He has extensive knowledge of organizational psychology and has had great success in developing strategies and programs that build better individuals and organizations using a strengths-based approach.

Wortman has also focused his expertise within the accounting profession since 2004. He is a frequent speaker at various Regional, National and International conferences on the topics of Ethical Decision-Making, Leadership Development and Talent Management. As a consultant to the profession his clients include a range of small firms to the top ten largest in the United States, many of whom are found on the Accounting Today’s Best Firms to Work for list.

Wortman attended the University of Nebraska where he earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Organizational Development as well as a Masters in Business Administration. His undergraduate degrees are in Economics and Human Resources. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the Academy of Management. He is also active in his local community as the former President for the Young Alumni Board for the College of Business Administration at the University of Nebraska where he has also been an adjunct professor since 1999.

$12.00 for CPAFMA Members / $25.00 for Non-Members / Free for PAFMs

This webinar is part of the following series:

Audit Your Firm's Talent Management Efforts and Create a Plan of Action
This is a series of seven sessions packed with talent management strategies any firm manager can use. Each session will be presented by Jeremy Wortman - Owner of HRD Initiatives - a specialist in organization development and talent management solutions. Sessions 1 and 2 are core sessions for this series. If you miss either one, you will want to watch the recordings before the next session. Anyone registering for the full series after the series start will receive links to the recordings for the past sessions. •Session 1: What is Talent Management and Why is it Important to an Accounting Firm? 9/17/18 •Session 2: Explore the Primary Tool You Need to Effectively Execute Your Firm's Talent Management Plan 9/19/18 •Session 3: Talent Acquisition - How to Hire the Right Person Who is Both a Technical AND Cultural Fit 9/24/18 •Session 4: Engaging Talent - How to Get Employees Fully Committed to Your Firm and Working Effectively Together 10/4/18 •Session 5: Building Talent - Helping Employees Identify their Unique Contribution to the Firm 10/26/18 •Session 6: Leveraging Talent - The Implementation of Firm-wide Initiatives to Build the Firm's Future Leaders 11/2/18 •Session 7: Retaining Talent - Engaging in Activities that Help Keep Your Talented Employees 11/13/18

The entire series can be purchased at a discount for:
$95.00 for Members / $145.00 for Non-Members / Free for PAFMS

Delivery System

  • All programs are delivered using the Zoom platform.
  • Confirmations will include log-in instructions.
  • Participants are able to participate using any device with an Internet connect (if the device does not have speakers, the participant can also dial-in) or they can participate with audio only by dialing in.
  • All registrants will receive a link to the webinar’s recording by email within 48 business hours of event’s conclusion.
  • There will be assistance available to help with technical and connectivity issues up to 10 minutes prior to the start of the presentation.


All registration is done on-line with the names and email addresses of each individual guest. Log-in details will be emailed to all registrants approximately 1-2 days prior to each session.

Refund Policy

CPAFMA will not issue refunds for webinars. If a registrant is unable to participate in the webinar and sends written notice to info@cpafma.org 48 hours prior to the session, a credit will be provided for a future webinar. Alert the CPAFMA staff member monitoring the webinar if technical difficulties are encountered and technical support will be provided to eliminate problems with future webinars.

Additional Information

Live participation is required for CPE credit and polling questions must be answered to show active participation. All registrants will receive an email following the session with links to the slides and/or handouts, and a link to the webinar recording (unless otherwise stated). If you are unable to participate in the live session, you can still watch the recorded session, but you will not be eligible for CPE credits.

For more information regarding CPAFMA webinars or administrative policies such as complaint and refund, contact the CPAFMA Headquarters at 937-222-0030, or info@cpafma.org.