Atlanta Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 18

How Do Your Firm's Salaries Compare to Others Its Size?

How Do Your Firm's Salaries Compare to Others Its Size?

Published May 15, 2018

Be in the know in less time The newly redesigned and streamlined . . . 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) SurveyIs now open, ready and CPAFMA encourages your participation It’s so easy to get focused on hitting the next deadline or getting the next client that we lose sight of what’s happening around us. Unfortunately this occurs without our realizing it, as we work hard to meet ...

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Recognizing a CPA Firm Manager

Recognizing a CPA Firm Manager

Published April 17, 2018

Earning a Public Accounting Firm Manager (PAFM) designation from the CPA Firm Management Association (CPAFMA) recognizes a CPA firm manager as someone who is working at the top level within our profession and exemplifies their professional capabilities, experience and achievement. The process of attaining the PAFM designation includes meeting the experience and education-based eligibility requirements, agreeing to adhere to CPAFMA’s Core ...

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Take the Challenge and Save

Take the Challenge and Save

Published April 17, 2018

Define a clear path to your firm’s future, no matter your practice size, with the combined benefits of the 2018 CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference and AICPA ENGAGE. Build a long-term plan for sustainable business development with sessions such as: Emotional Intelligence: One of the Single Biggest Predictors of Success in Life Teach Your People to be High Performers Making It Stick – Driving Learning and ...

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Happiness is the Key to Success

Happiness is the Key to Success

Published April 17, 2018

“Success is not the key to happiness.  Happiness is the key to success.  If you love what you’re doing, you will be successful.”  - Herman Cain As managers of our accounting practices, I think one of our main responsibilities is keeping people happy. It can be a copier that doesn’t break down during tax season, a benefits program that really helps people when they need it most, healthy snacks in the ...

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Busy Season is Retention Season

Busy Season is Retention Season

Published April 17, 2018

Many of us that have Firm Administration duties also have HR duties, and many HR only people are CPAFMA members, so this idea should hit home with most of us. The accountants have all been busy with their audits and taxes and we’ve been playing catch-up on all the things we couldn’t get done when the accountants and partners were less busy and came to us with ideas and issues and projects. Busy season is always my quietest time of ...

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