Northen California Chapter

Focus on What is Important

Published June 8, 2018
I had a great lesson from my nineteen year old son recently. While I was furiously working through my daily tasks and checking on my to-do’s for the day, I received a call from him. “Mom – what are doing?” I abruptly answered “I’m working of course!” I answered him as quickly as I could as I sometimes think my children do not realize I am ACTUALLY working even though I have the luxury of working from home. A few minutes later he showed up in my office and asked me if I would like to join him for breakfast. For those of you that have older teenage kids, I’m sure you’ll agree that having daily conversations and interactions with them come few and far between.

I was so happy with the invite, I immediately turned off my computer, went inside the house and made a fabulous breakfast for he and I to share. I heard about what he is doing in school, how his work was going and about his new rod ‘n’ reel he was so excited about. I was back at it within 45 minutes with a renewed sense of living life by cherishing the small stuff and still being able to get back to work to finish my day.

I’m sure you get the point…..we all have crazy busy lives and we can’t find enough time in the day to get all our work done. We somehow do it, but feel overwhelmed at times. The 45 minutes I took did NOTHING to prevent me from getting tasks accomplished. What it did was something so much more.