Northen California Chapter

Examples of Leadership Are All Around

Published June 8, 2018
Happy summer! Here in spoiled, sunny California things are starting to heat up.

And, at my office, we are in the midst of a remodel – we are lucky enough to be getting new carpet. Over the past 15 years, with all the remodeling we’ve done, we had three different carpets in the mix. So, if you think things are chaotic at your office, just consider these pictures.

My theme for my year as Chair has been leadership. Despite all the craziness that has been happening at Grimbleby Coleman CPAs, I’ve seen many examples of servant leadership. Staff are helping each other pack/move things. The carpet installation crew and moving crew are working together seamlessly and selflessly to keep on schedule and keep our disruptions to a minimum. Communication has been abundant. Examples of leadership are all around you, if you only stop to look.

Your board continues to work for results as well. Work groups, which include members of our Leadership Institute class, are continuing to further the aspects of our strategic plan: growing leaders, solidifying our PAFM certification program, developing content, engaging our members and articulating our value proposition.

I hope you have all registered for the 2018 AICPA ENGAGE/CPAFMA National Practice Management Conference – June 11-14 in Las Vegas – and I look forward to connecting with you there. We are excited to be partnering with AICPA.

I am in awe of how quickly my year as your CPAFMA chair has flown by. It has been my honor to serve in this capacity and work with such a high-functioning, collegial board group. In addition, our President, Kim Fantaci, is always working behind the scenes with her very capable staff to make CPAFMA the best organization possible. Our strategic plan will continue to guide CPAFMA over the next several years. I know I am leaving the organization in very capable hands.