Indiana Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 8

Skills Needed for Building an Effective CAAS Team

Skills Needed for Building an Effective CAAS Team

Published September 10, 2020

Taking time to assess the different capabilities and skills of your personnel will ensure that your team is well rounded and suited to meet the evolving changes that CAAS services requires. Help your firm by making sure all of these critical needs are met.

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CPAFMA 2020 Firm Manager Compensation Survey

CPAFMA 2020 Firm Manager Compensation Survey

Published September 10, 2020

A tool that firms can use to help firm managers reach career path goals, the CPAFMA 2020 Firm Manager Compensation Survey was designed as a quick reference providing information relative to professionals managing accounting firms (i.e. firm managers, directors of administration, chief operating officers).

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A Guide to Re-Opening Your CPA Firm Released

A Guide to Re-Opening Your CPA Firm Released

Published August 1, 2020

CPAFMA release of its guide, A Guide to Re-Opening Your CPA Firm back in May. Compiled by firm managers, this guide provides recommendations to prepare your firm for the "new normal" when it comes to returning to the office. Over the next several weeks and months, as areas stabilize from the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home restrictions are lifted, firms will continue to bring employees back into the physical workplace.  

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