Florida Chapter

Chapter Chatter

Published August 20, 2014
It is hard to believe that summer is coming to a close and the National Conference was over two months ago! The Chapter Leader's Breakfast was a huge success and we enjoyed seeing everyone there. The Board just returned from a two-day planning session for next year’s conference in Orlando and we have exciting things in store!  

On the Chapter front, we are committed to doing all we can to support each and every one of our members and chapters.  That includes support for our existing chapters, establishing new chapters and revitalizing chapters that are in need of some “TLC”. 

Importance of Chapters in AAA

  1. The opportunity to network with AAA members on a more regular basis in your geographic area;
  2. Education, resources and career referral
  3. Opportunities to join chapter driven committees or to serve in leadership positions
  4. Increases the awareness of AAA in the CPA community

Recruiting New Members

Many of the CPA State Societies or even local chapters of the State Societies host Firm Administrator/Manager breakfasts or lunches on an ad-hoc basis. Get connected with these local groups and see how AAA can collaborate or partner with them to increase awareness of AAA and the vital role that those managing firm operations play in our firms. 

Bookkeeping Support for Chapters

National is excited to provide bookkeeping services for chapters. No longer will chapters need to open/close checking accounts due to the transition of a treasurer. Instead, AAA accounting staff will pay chapter expenses and provide monthly statements. Chapter treasurers will continue to control the funds and review/report on all chapter finances. Funds for dues rebates and registrations for chapter events will all be credited to chapter accounts. Several chapters are already using this service and enjoying the ease of this process. Our goal is to have all chapters transitioned to this bookkeeping service by December of 2014.  Contact the National Office if you have any questions.

Chapter News

Please send pictures and ideas from your chapter.  Publishing your chapter news will help other chapters from around the country add fresh approaches to their meetings.  Email information to Misty Cable, AAAPM, Director of Chapter Development.