Florida Chapter

AAA Now - President's Message

Published August 20, 2014
It’s an honor to have the opportunity to serve as your President for the next year. I want to thank our board members and advisers, and Norm Saale, AAAPM our Immediate Past President - thank you all for your leadership and hard work in helping to strengthen our association. Also, I want to thank you, our members, for the privilege of working with you.

We have achieved great success over the years, and as I assume this role, I’m excited to think about what lies ahead. Our association was founded in January, 1984 in what was then a new and growing profession. Our goal was to enable accounting firm administrators to communicate with one another and provide each other with the benefits of everyone’s experiences.  Over the past 30 years as the role has evolved and continues to do so, the Association has been there to elevate and redefine the role and responsibilities necessary to provide professional firm management to CPA firms of all sizes.   Our initiatives and growth have resulted in AAA being 21 chapters strong with almost 1,000 members across North America.

I envision 2014-2015 to be a pivotal year for us getting us ready to embrace the upcoming changes we all are so excited about including our co-conference partnership with the AICPA, PCPS and AAM. We’re looking to generate more awareness of AAA to increase membership, provide education to continue making us even more of an invaluable resource to our firms and partner groups. Our plan is also to increase the quality and quantity of choices available to our members, revise and improve our website and enhance our social media interaction.

These are some of the key recommendations coming out of our strategic planning. Successfully addressing these specific initiatives, some new, some existing, will help us to continue to build upon the important work already in progress.

Our National Practice Management Conference with daily AAA Connects, along with unique and robust offerings that have become tradition will be held on June 7-10, 2015 in Orlando, so mark your calendars now.

We have exciting challenges before us and I am exhilarated to work with you and make our Association Even Better Than We Already Are!