Florida Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 48

The 2015 INSIDE Public Accounting Survey and Analysis of Firms is Underway

The 2015 INSIDE Public Accounting Survey and Analysis of Firms is Underway

Published January 26, 2015

The Association for Accounting Administration is excited to partner with INSIDE Public Accounting on their 2015 IPA Survey and Analysis of Firms. As the sponsor of the 2015 Firm Administration Survey, we want to encourage all firms to participate in the survey as well as the internal operational surveys.  WHAT YOU NEED TO DO Contact INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) to request your copy of the 2015 survey and analysis of firms. Determine ...

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AAA 2015 Paperless Benchmark Survey Results Announced

AAA 2015 Paperless Benchmark Survey Results Announced

Published January 13, 2015

The Association for Accounting Administration recently completed the 2015 Paperless Benchmarking survey to find out the status of paperless office practices in accounting firms this upcoming busy season. The survey has been conducted every two years beginning in 2003 to help identify trends in adopting “less paper” processes.  Seven NEW questions were added this year to replace those that questions that had exceeded 80% in firm ...

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Director of Professional Awareness Hits the Ground Flying

Director of Professional Awareness Hits the Ground Flying

Published December 15, 2014

First, let me thank the Board of Directors for the opportunity to serve AAA in the position of Director of Professional Awareness. I have hit the ground….flying. First to Charleston for the PCPS Executive Committee meeting and then to Chicago for my first AAA Board meeting. I have spent these first couple of meetings getting the lay of the land and trying to determine exactly what the Director of Professional Awareness should be doing.

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Avoiding Common Pitfalls In Your Winter Wonderland

Avoiding Common Pitfalls In Your Winter Wonderland

Published December 15, 2014

Snow, wind, ice, frigid temperatures – brrrrrrr. Last year, the winter season in the United States was harsh. In fact, there were 26 large storms named by the media. Winter is upon us once again and we appear to be in for another rather brutal season; now is our chance to look back and glean lessons learned from previous years. Remember Winter Storm Atlas? Well, unless you live in Beulah, WY or Spearfish, SD you probably didn’t pay ...

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Comeback of Dual Phones?

Comeback of Dual Phones?

Published December 15, 2014

Over the past few months, I have increasingly noticed people carrying two mobile phones. Many of us remember a decade ago when some people would carry a firm issued Blackberry phone for “business” and a second cellular phone to make “personal” calls.  With the adoption of smartphones, the two functions merged, where the majority of users today conduct both business and personal activities on a single mobile device ...

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