Florida Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 46

AAA's HR Fly-In and PCPS's Human Capital Forum Join Forces

AAA's HR Fly-In and PCPS's Human Capital Forum Join Forces

Published February 27, 2015

The Association for Accounting Administration's HR Fly-In and PCPS's Human Capital Forum have collaborated for the first time to offer Culture and People Matter Most: Strategies to Attract, Engage and Retain Your Firm’s Most Valuable Asset. This Forum & Fly-In will take place immediately following the Practitioners Symposium and Tech + Conference and AAA National Practice Management/AAM Summit Conference on June 10-11, featuring one of ...

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Roots of Success - A Gold Mine of Information

Roots of Success - A Gold Mine of Information

Published February 27, 2015

I realize there has been a lot of communication about the upcoming “Roots of Success” conference scheduled for June and of course there are lots of moving parts to put together our normal conference.  One of this magnitude is exciting to be a part of not only from the planning perspective but I am very much looking forward to attending. This will be one of the most unique and fully integrated conferences you, your managing ...

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Conducting Your Busy Season Symphony

Conducting Your Busy Season Symphony

Published February 27, 2015

It’s February which means it’s that time of year again. You know, the season that shall not be named for fear of a real-life reenactment of something from the Walking Dead.   The truth is busy season is hard. Busy season is hard mentally, physically, and emotionally for your staff who give up their weekends and work extended hours to guarantee client satisfaction. Busy season is also hard for the administrative teams that are ...

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Chapter Chatter Busy Season Edition

Chapter Chatter Busy Season Edition

Published February 27, 2015

Our first Chapter Huddle of my term was a big success with over fourteen Chapter Leaders participating in our 20-minute call on “Partnering”.  We discussed how to effectively partner with local and state societies for meetings to develop and foster relationships and worthwhile meetings.  The group also discussed ways to partner with each other, especially during busy season.  A key take away was to keep the lines of ...

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2015 Communications Findings from Paperless Benchmark Survey

2015 Communications Findings from Paperless Benchmark Survey

Published February 26, 2015

The AAA’s 2015 Paperless Benchmark Survey is targeted towards identifying digital best practices and in that light includes questions on technology trends supporting paperless technologies. This year’s survey pointed to some surprising findings under the communications topic which administrators should be aware of as they could impact decisions in the year ahead. Below we discuss the five communications questions from the survey: 1.

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