Florida Chapter

Happenings and Latest News - Page 19

Busy Season is Retention Season

Busy Season is Retention Season

Published April 17, 2018

Many of us that have Firm Administration duties also have HR duties, and many HR only people are CPAFMA members, so this idea should hit home with most of us. The accountants have all been busy with their audits and taxes and we’ve been playing catch-up on all the things we couldn’t get done when the accountants and partners were less busy and came to us with ideas and issues and projects. Busy season is always my quietest time of ...

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How Was Your Opportunity Season?

How Was Your Opportunity Season?

Published April 17, 2018

Happy end to opportunity season!  Here in spoiled, sunny California, we experienced an early spring. The flowers have bloomed and we’ve had beautiful days of 70 degree weather. It has made it hard to stay inside the office working. Several months ago we had the opportunity to go on a family vacation to Disneyland. This was a real treat; because we are beginning a season of having adult children, we hadn’t been on a family ...

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Book Review: The Anticipatory Organization by Daniel Burrus

Book Review: The Anticipatory Organization by Daniel Burrus

Published April 17, 2018

As a CPA firm consultant, I spend a significant amount of time researching computer equipment, accounting applications, and evaluating consulting methodologies and tools that will make me a better consultant and more useful to accounting firms.  Over the past few years I have seen Daniel Burrus speak at various accounting conferences and heard of his work within the CPA profession through the Business Learning Institute (founded by the ...

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How AP and Finance Can Win with Automation

How AP and Finance Can Win with Automation

Published April 12, 2018

I’ve been selling to accounting and finance professionals for most of my career, and I can honestly say that I’ve never seen so much technology available for those functions as there is now. Just a decade ago, the options were basic and few: ERP systems, invoice scanning, and workflow. If you wanted electronic payments, you would set up an ACH or card program through your bank. Now we have dozens of cloud accounting systems; ERP ...

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PCPS' Comparison of FRF for SMEs to Other Bases of Accounting

PCPS' Comparison of FRF for SMEs to Other Bases of Accounting

Published April 12, 2018

Has it been a while since you looked at the Financial Reporting Framework for Small and Medium-Sized Entities as an option for your privately-held clients? With accounting standards changes and income tax changes, there's a lot going on right now and the changes can be pretty complex. Use the FRF SME Comparison to Other Bases of Accounting resource along with other tools in the FRF for SME toolkit to learn more about the opportunities ...

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